October in Fontainebleau
October has been highly frustrating with lots of rain and humidity. I just couldn’t get a good dry day out in the forest! On top of that, it’s been a rather lonely month as most of my friends can’t just get a day out on the spot when rain stops pouring 😉
Anyway, here’s the sum-up of October climbs with one highlight though : Outil de Coupe which is a 5 stars 7A and a benchmark one!
Let’s hope November will get dryer.
Boulders in the clip are :
Téléphone Maison : 7A+ in Rocher des Souris (v7)
Yoga : 7A in Rocher des Souris (v6)
Le Presse t’Atterre Droite (DA) : 7A in Rocher d’Avon (v6)
Outil de Coupe : 7A in J.A. Martin (v6)
En Dessous de Tout : 7A in Coquibus Grandes Vallées (v6)
L’Etroit Mousse Plus Bas Que Terre : 7A+ in Coquibus Grandes Vallées (v7)
Category: Bouldering Areas, Fontainebleau, France